Creating your peace of mind

The teams behind Fase3 have many years of experience with helping people to access advice on how to navigate and pay for aged care choices. We built Fase3 to share our experience and help you to explore and choose your own pathway.
Using the Fase3 tool may help you to be prepared for your own future care needs or for the needs of someone else who you love. So you can understand your choices and how to make decisions.

The support behind Fase3

Thirdphase steps
Third Phase Steps (TPS) is a sister company of Aged Care Steps, which is the market-leader in aged care advice. We give financial planners and other advice professionals the expertise and confidence to help people to navigate and fund their aged care needs. We can connect you to an accredited adviser.

COTA is a not-for-profit advocacy organisation that lobbies for action on issues affecting older people. We promote the rights, interests and good futures of Australians as we age. Become a member.

Ecstra Foundation is an independent charitable foundation committed to building the financial wellbeing of Australians within a fair financial system. We focus on four impact areas: financial education, strong communities, consumer care and greater collaboration.

Understanding ageing
Our population is ageing and longevity is increasing, which means we can expect to live to older ages. By 2064, it is estimated that nearly a quarter of the Australian population will be over age 65 (AIHW, 2017).
How we feel and the age at which (or if) we start to experience older age and declining abilities will vary for everyone based on health, attitude and opportunity.
This is why it is important for you to take control. Planning gives you a head start with understanding the available options that match your needs and your circumstances, before a crisis happens.
Without a plan, if you or your family are suddenly faced with having to decide about your care or support, this may create a lot more pressure, and possibly conflict. Plus you might lose the opportunity to have a say. Planning allows for more effective decision-making.
When making a plan you should consider the available options in light of your needs, what you consider is important to maintain a quality life and your financial circumstances.