Access advice & help
If you need help to sort out the costs and how to best structure your finances you have several options to find help. Options that provide information and help you to understand the rules might be free, but if you want personal advice that is related to your situation and advice on what options you should implement it might be worthwhile paying for financial advice from an adviser who is experienced and accredited to give aged care advice.
Do some research
The Government’s My Aged Care website includes information on financial implications of care. This can help to build your knowledge.
Speak to an Aged Care Specialist Officer (ACSO)
Aged Care Specialist Officers are part of the My Aged Care face–to-face services. They can help you with information and processes for accessing aged care.
Get financial advice
A financial planner who is an Accredited Aged Care Professional TM can help you understand the rules, and provide advice to recommend strategies that work for you.
Speak to a FIS officer
Financial Information Services (FIS) officers are employed by Centrelink to help you understand how financial decisions impact Centrelink and aged care. They do not give personal advice or recommend investments.
Calculate your fees
The MyAgedCare website includes a quick fee estimator to check what fees you might pay. But be careful to ensure you input the correct data.