It’s your future – planning for the third phase of retirement.

Be financially prepared
Understand your options
Follow the right steps
Start your planning

Fase3 is a free online tool designed to help you choose the right solution to meet your care needs as you age, and to understand how you can fund the costs. It will guide you through the steps.

Aged care and planning for future frailty may not be top of your list of favourite topics to think about – but congratulations on taking this important step for living your best life – no matter what physical, health or capacity challenges life may throw at you!​

Fase3 is designed to help you plan for your future needs, or if you (or a family member) need help now, it can guide you through the steps to access care, get help and make informed decisions.

Aim of Fase3

The aim of this site is to help you maximise control of your ageing, by understanding and choosing the aged care option that is right for you and your family. And then to step you through how to access the care you choose.

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Who is behind Fase3?

Fase3 is a collaboration between COTA Australia (a not-for-profit advocacy organisation which aims to look after the rights of older people) and Third Phase Steps (a financial services business that supports older people and families to access qualified aged care advice).

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Not sure where to start?

If you are new to this website or starting to plan, go to the Fase3 tool and follow the pathway to ‘explore my options’.

If you have made the choice to move into residential care, take the ‘residential care pathway’ for the steps you need to take.

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What brought you here today?

Curious about care / support options

I want to know more about the types of care options and what are the differences so I can think about my preferences. Read more

Planning ahead

I am still comfortable living at home but am worried about the future and how I can keep my independence. Read more

Needing support to stay at home​

It is important to me to keep living in my home, but it would be easier with a bit more support for me or around the home. Read more

Moving into residential care​

I need to make the move into residential care, but there are so many new things to learn, that I don’t know where to start or what to do. Read more

Understanding the costs of care​

With so many numbers and fees, I am worried about what care will cost and how I can afford to pay my share of the costs. Read more

Understanding the difference between retirement villages and residential care

Both retirement villages (including land-lease communities) and residential care provide accommodation options for older people – but the costs and how care are provided can be very different. Read more

Average life and frailty expectations. Data source: AIHW and ABS

Why plan ahead?

Chances are we will all experience a time in our older years when we may need help to be safe and live day-to-day. This might be help from family and friends or paid support. This is our Fase3 – the frailty years.

Planning ahead can help:​

  • Take pressure off family​
  • Give you better choices​
  • Allow better decision-making​
  • Give you quality of life as well as quality care.